Host a screening
Join our ever-growing community using Chasing Ice to spark discussion around the climate crisis and inspire collective action. After all, interest and engagement in this issue has to start somewhere. We believe it begins with knowledge and the agreement that there is a problem.

how it works
There are several options for hosting a screening, each starts with the purchase of a screening license as grant of permission for your public viewing. Use our planning guide to get started! If you’re looking to stream the film in private, click here.
domestic screenings
We’ve partnered with Ro*co Films to provide various educational and public screening license options. Please follow these links to purchase your screening license for streaming or to get a DVD if you are using the film in any of the ways listed below.
Hosting a free public screening
Hosting a ticketed public screening
Screening taking place in school or university setting
Requires access to a short version of the film
Requires access for multiple viewings
Requires access to screening guides
Shortened Versions of the film included with educational license: 6 min, 11 min, 23 min, 36 min, and full length 75 minute version. All curses and expletives have been removed from the film.
international screenings
If your screening is outside of the United States, or you have questions about the screening license, please email us at [email protected].
Questions? Head over to our FAQ
The most important thing you do can right now, do is share Chasing Ice and other climate stories — help shift perception and advance climate solutions. Our hope is that this film can help change how people think about their relationship to nature, and how human beings exist on this planet.
other reviews
“Stunning…Timely…” – The New York Times
“These images breathe life into an ice world” – Forbes
“Hauntingly Beautiful” – Huffington Post
“Heart Stopping” – Roger Ebert
“Amazingly beautiful” – Five Stars – New York Daily News
“Visually Breathtaking” – Variety
clips and images
If you’re looking for videos clips or stills from Chasing Ice, there are a few options available to you:

On their website you will find loads of images and videos from the film that are available for purchase. For questions about licensing terms, please see here.
For licensing questions regarding clips from this video, please email [email protected] with the subject line: “Chasing Ice Footage Licensing”.
Founded in 2012 by film subject James Balog, “Through unique visual storytelling and concepts, EVI bridges the divide between art and science.”